Yes, Google Knows Where We Are Despite Having Disabled The ‘Location History’: So We Can Avoid It

Yes, Google knows where we are despite having disabled the 'location history' so we can avoid it

Google is the clearest example of how to be the ‘Big Brother’, right here in Xataka we have verified it and we have been left with our mouths open. The worst thing is that Google admits it and plays with the concepts and descriptions, this creates confusion and so they can continue collecting our information despite offering us the false feeling that it is not so.

Today we are facing a new case that puts our privacy in check for commercial purposes, and it is that it was discovered that Google continues to collect our location at all times, both on iOS and Android, even though we have deactivated the ‘location history’.

Chrome, applications, and other services are responsible for recording our location

Several months ago, Google made available to all its users an option known as ‘Location History’, which, as its name indicates, allows Google to collect our location through our smartphone, regardless of whether it is Android or iPhone. By turning it off, in theory, Google would no longer track our location, but the reality is that it still does, according to an Associated Press investigation.

AP, through a group of computer researchers in Princeton, confirmed that Google continues to collect our location using other applications and services, such as Google Maps, whenever we do a search in Chrome or check the weather forecast, even through applications. from third parties. That is to say, if we deactivate the ‘Location History’ we only prevent Google from storing our movements within a timeline, but it will continue to do so by other means although we will not be able to see it.

Chrome, applications and other services are responsible for recording our location

Given this, Google’s position is clear when mentioning that the ‘Location History’ explains its function and purpose in detail, so, according to the company, there are no secrets.

“‘Location History’ is a Google product that is fully enabled, and users have the controls to edit, delete or turn it off at any time. We make sure ‘Location History’ users know that when they disable the ‘Location History’ product, we will continue to use location to improve the Google experience when they do things like perform a Google search or use Google for driving directions.”

In other words, the registration of our location is still enabled at all times through other means and is used for commercial purposes.

How do I turn off Google tracking once and for all?

Fortunately, there is a way to prevent Google from continuing to track and store our movements, it is an option that is enabled by default in our Google account and that has a name that does not even point to having anything to do with our location.

The option is called ‘Web and App Activity’, and it’s in the ‘Activity Controls’ section at, where we’ll also find the ‘Location History’ option. Turning off ‘Web & App Activity’ will prevent Google from using placeholders as well as information generated from searches and other activity in other applications.

The point is that this option is activated by default and the only way to disable it is via the web, which limits its access to very few people. Also, the true extent of disabling this is unknown, as it is believed that it will affect the user experience in some other Google apps and services, which is somewhat obvious as we are limiting the sending of information to Google.

On the other hand, disabling this option will only prevent Google from collecting new data, so our old locations will continue to be on their servers. To also delete this history, we only need to enter ‘Manage activity’ within the ‘Location History’, where a list of all the places registered by Google will appear. Here we will have three options: delete one by one the sites that we do not want to be registered, delete by day or delete all the records.