2 Apps to create “deepfakes”: Become the star of memes and movies

  • Creating your DeepFakes with your mobile is easy thanks to these applications for Android.

Over the past year, a series of applications came to light, which went viral, which loaded a photograph of the face to place it in scenes of movies and television shows, the so-called “deep fakes,” such as Zeo. An app that turned your face into works of art and FaceApp, which showed you how you would be in a few long years, was also unveiled.

The objective of the applications that create “deepfakes” is to allow users to be the true protagonists of their favorite movies and series, and in many cases, use them to deceive others. To do this, you have to take a selfie, choose the scene from the movie and series and let the application do its magic.

Applications to create your own “deep fakes.”

This year, new applications to create “deepfakes” have already come to light, which has gone viral in just a few days. Below we detail the two applications with which you can create curious “deepfakes” in just seconds.


The first one is Jiggy, a next-generation GIF and video maker that allows users to infiltrate their favorite music videos, becoming the center of attention. The new version has search tags, high-resolution GIFs, and a more elegant look. Unlike other types of apps of this style, Jiggy uses CGI technology to recreate the image of the user completely.

In this way, you can add the image of your face or that of your family and friends to music videos and activities of all kinds. The results are truly unique.


So far this year, Doublicat (now REFACE) has also come to light, an application that allows users to personalize GIFS by changing their faces for those of the protagonists of said GIFs. As soon as you start, the app asks you to take a selfie, then it scans the front and changes it to the protagonist of the selected GIF scene.

An exchange GIF maker with Artificial Intelligence that offers you a personalized meme in just five seconds. As with the previous application, with REFACE, you can share your creations, whether horrible or not, with your friends and followers through social networks.