How to create a good presentation?


How to create a good presentation

Creating a good presentation is about a lot more than just looking good. Creating a good presentation is about having the right technology, designating the appropriate budget, and making a comprehensive plan.

However, these things are easier said than done. Don’t worry; we’re here to help! We’ve created this in-depth guide to creating an effective presentation and explained why it’s vital to create an impressive presentation for your business.

Keep reading to start transforming your presentations today!

Why is it vital to create a great presentation?

Before we get into how you can create a great presentation, let’s discuss why this is a priority from a business development perspective. Here are three reasons why it’s vital to create a great presentation:


Communication makes the world go round. Without it, businesses would be lost, but what has this got to do with presentations? Presentations are the cornerstone of effective communication and can help you provide clear updates about your business, distribute key product information, delegate tasks, and much more.

While you can do this via other communication channels like emails, presentations are an effective way of getting a concise message across to many people simultaneously, ensuring that no one falls victim to mistranslation or the rumor mill around the office. If you want to revamp your communication methods, consider using a great presentation!


Engagement helps keep all employees motivated toward working toward your mutual business goals, so without engagement, it would be nearly impossible to unite your workforce. Presentations can be a key weapon in establishing positive engagement trends, as they allow you to deliver news and opportunities in an exciting format.

Using the right technology, like video walls, can also generate more interest in employees who are used to more traditional presentation means. To whip up more excitement in your teams, why not use a video wall in your next conference to secure their engagement?


As a business in the modern world, it’s imperative to be flexible to the changing climate in your market. One of the best things about presentations is that they allow you to be more flexible to your businesses’ changing needs, allowing you to scale up and down according to your plans, adapt to different settings, and cater to larger audiences.

For example, presentation technology can help you incorporate more interactive opportunities for remote workers, allowing you to globalize and scale your business. This is only a small example of how presentations can offer versatility to your business.  How to create a good presentation?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a great presentation:

1. Create a plan

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, right? So, the first step to an effective presentation is ensuring you have an effective plan. A presentation plan should cover everything from your core topic to audience requirements.

Your audience requirements are possibly one of the most important parts of your presentation plan, as this will help you devise special techniques used to engage their attention.

Here are some questions you should ask yourself when creating your audience engagement plan that will help you tailor your presentation strategy to their interests:

.  What is the audience looking to take from this experience?

.  How do I want my audience to respond to my call to action?

.  What technology trends are currently gripping my audience?

.  What venue will my audience find the most accessible?

.  Do I have the right equipment to cater to my audience size?

.  Do my audience need speakers and microphones to absorb my message?

2. Make a realistic budget

For an effective presentation, you need to create a realistic budget. Your budget must account for everything from your display methods to the cost of any interactive or conferencing software. Your presentation technology should also account for any professional services you’ll need to set up your presentation technology.

For example, suppose you need help setting up your video display wall controller, consider budgeting for AV integration assistance, or setting up a very large presentation. In that case, you’ll need to account for additional lighting and sound support.

Nothing comes for free, and presentation technology is no exception. Remember, presentation technology is an investment that can generate significant ROI, so consider this before you try to cut corners.

3. Find the right AV technology

You’ll need the best presentation technology to create a truly impressive presentation. Presentation technology allows you to integrate more diverse display options, like video walls and helps to create more dynamic display content that engages your audience.

Having the right AV technology also allows you to be more flexible to changing audience requirements and adapt to changing display venues. For example, with a video wall, you can increase or decrease your display size according to your venue requirements, saving you money and time!

AV technology, like matrix switchers, can also help you integrate more effects into your content and switch between sources, creating an engaging and immersive audience experience. So, to create exciting presentations, consider using the right AV technology.

4. Assess your location

Your venue will make a big difference to your presentation success, so thoroughly inspect the location before the big day. Your location should have enough room for guests and appropriate acoustics for sound to improve your audience’s experiences.

Your venue might also have the resources to cater to larger audiences, such as a supply of microphones, speakers, and display equipment. This can help you save money and reduce the amount of equipment you need to transport between locations. Your location should also have a reliable WiFi connection that is fast enough to facilitate remote audiences, web-based content, and streaming.

5. Make use of feedback

An integral step to creating a good presentation is using your feedback. Consider using an online or paper survey to gather your audience’s thoughts about your display techniques.

This can help you tailor your presentations in the future, creating more engaging experiences. Use targeted questions about your use of AV technology and whether your audience requires more interactive opportunities, as this can allow you to use AV technology to connect more with your audience.

Final thoughts

Creating a good presentation sounds difficult, but with the right tools and AV technology, you can facilitate a more engaging and interactive experience for your audience.

Not only is a good presentation a key factor in providing an enjoyable experience for your audience, but it can also be a key weapon in your business development. From improving communication to boosting your engagement, you can propel your business toward its development targets with a great presentation and incredible AV technology!