How Technology Helps Overcome The Challenges of Fair Student Assessment


Fair Student Assessment

Education is among the sectors in which technology has impacted in many ways. Unlike in the olden days, a person can easily apply and enroll in any school despite their location and study effectively, thanks to technology. While the changes bring out a positive aspect of better learning, there are also challenges the education sector faces, especially when it comes to student assessment. Challenges such as discrimination and bias among students are the most common.

Tutors are the ones supposed to be at the forefront of teaching the principles of equality to accommodate every learner. However, the topic tent to take a new dimension when it comes to fairness among the students. Most tutors create a code of honor based on specific schools in specific locations, and this makes the whole idea of fairness in student assessment void. For instance, “When I do my computer science homework, will I get the right assessment?” Many computer science students will ask. Thanks to technology, all students can be treated fairly based on their performance.

Types and purposes of assessment

Assessment has varied purposes based on the type of assessment in question. We have three main types of assessments categorized depending on the test design, timing, and purpose as described below:

Diagnostic assessments

This form of assessment is designed by professionals to give reliable, valid, and fair test results. The purpose of this assessment is to help tutors understand what to teach and group the students based on the need for special services. Speaking, writing, and listening skills are among the diagnostic assessment.

Summative assessments

Summative assessments are standardized tests given to students at a specific time which can be at the end of a semester or the end of a course. These assessments aim to weigh the learning experience of students. In most cases, they are viewed as high-end exams because the results can determine the probability of a student pursuing further education or getting a dream job. Examples of summative assessments are A-levels and SATs.

Formative assessments

Formative assessment helps teachers to gather useful information that helps enhance personalized learning. Formative assessments aim to improve the overall earning experience for all students. Examples of formative assessments include weekly or daily tests that bring about instant feedback.

How technology can help overcome challenges of Fair Student Assessment

Despite all the challenges the education sector faces when it comes to assessment equality, technology plays a big part in bringing fairness among all students in the following ways:

Focusing on feedback other than grades

Advocating for grades instead of feedback impacts the desire to keep learning negatively as it encourages students to cram a concept instead of understanding it. However, when the focus is on constructive feedback, students are assured of fairness, and this motivates them to study.

Therefore, using technologies such as video assessment can promote a personalized learning experience, and the use of rubrics scoring schemes enhances fairness in assessing students.

Regular feedback through formative assessment

Updating students on their progress regularly instead of waiting until the end of the course or the end of a semester encourages gradual improvement and fairness among students. Therefore, through technology, teachers can give students continuous assessments and use digital platforms to reach out to individual students when giving regular feedback for improved learning.

Grading tools for teachers

It is easy for teachers to grade multiple-choice questions or the fill-in the blank questions using EdTech scoring tools. This isn’t the case for essays and math papers because there could be more errors, biases, and the teachers will feel tired in the end.

With improved technology, teachers can achieve fairness by using GradeCam technology solutions. All a teacher does is scan the paper, and the scores will be automatic without any personal influence on them.

Again, technology has made it possible for machine learning tools to grade descriptive answers in a fair manner by focusing on overall concepts, language, and grammar. The tutor’s job is only to review, analyze the grades, and then approve or adjust them according to their understanding.

The use of adaptive learning

Adaptive learning includes the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence for online learning. The student begins with easy questions as they adjust to the complex ones. This method encourages self-learning, and it helps a student to stay focused throughout the learning phase. This enhances understanding of the concept, and since different students learn at different phases, this method enhances fairness for all students. However, teachers should take a role in nurturing and guiding the students through the processes.

To ensure adaptive learning turns out successfully, teachers should guide students in learning new things, challenge students through different questions, note any learning hardships, and create time to teach better and walk with the students as they advance their learning steps.


Implementing technology in learning not only makes the teacher’s work easier but encourages, improves the learning experience, and enhances fairness among all students.