Can You Ride an E-Bike in the Rain?


Electric bikes are gaining more and more popularity. It is convenient to move on them both on city streets and off-road. The owners of this vehicle often think about whether it is possible to ride an e-bike in the rain. Most people refuse to travel in inclement weather. On rainy days, they just use public transport, because they are afraid that water will disable the expensive parts of their bike. And yet, even in wet weather, many people use Fancy Apple bikes for walks in New York’s Central Park.

In general, there is logic in such actions, but what if the rain caught you on the way? You need to know the features of using electric vehicles during rain, so as not to regret the consequences.

Can You Ride an E Bike in the Rain

Basic rules for rainy weather

All electrical elements of an individual vehicle (motor, battery, control board, additional equipment, etc.) are in a sealed case, therefore they are protected from moisture. There are even IP codes that indicate the level of protection of electrical circuits from condensation and moisture.

 Despite this, you need to know how to operate the electric bike in the rain so that bad weather does not affect the bike in any way and does not cause it to break.

Pay attention to the following operating rules in the rain:

  • Riding an electric bike in drizzling rain or wet weather is not prohibited. It is also allowed to smoothly cross small puddles, but you should not drive into streams or dive into water bodies, as water can penetrate electrical parts and cause a short circuit. For the same reason, you should not drive into deep puddles where water can reach the motor-wheel or other vulnerable parts.
  • Although the battery is protected from moisture, it may run out faster when driving in rainy weather. In addition, the terminals can become corroded. To prevent this, you should purchase a protective waterproof case in advance. In the absence of a cover, cover the battery with a tight plastic bag.
  • Lubricate the terminals and contacts with a special anti-corrosion and water-repellent grease. It will serve as reliable protection against corrosion. Due to rust, there may be no stable contact, the controller or other components may fail. Connecting contacts can be treated with silicone sealant.
  • Do not ride an e-bike in fog or thunderstorms. It is better to wait out a heavy downpour at home or in another secluded place.

If the bike has been submerged underwater or exposed to heavy rain

But what if the e-bike got caught in the pouring rain or accidentally submerged in water, for example, fell into a puddle? Be sure to follow these tips:

  1. Turn off the power immediately and do not turn it back on until completely dry from water.
  2. Dry the bike thoroughly before using it again.
  3. Disconnect the battery and bring it to a warm place for at least a day.
  4. Remove the cover of the controller to ensure good ventilation.
  5. If you suspect that there is water inside the motor, controller or other components, contact the service center. Remember that water inside such assemblies can lead to a short circuit and failure of electrical parts.

Think Safety

Visibility is reduced when it rains, so make sure your vehicle is visible to other road users. To do this, you can use headlights and reflective elements.

Be sure to select a safe speed limit. It is not recommended to drive faster than 25 km/h. Try to avoid sudden braking, especially on the roadway, but keep in mind that the braking distance on wet roads increases significantly. This fact should be taken into account when you see obstacles on the way.

If possible, avoid trails with wet leaves or rocks. Walking on them increases the risk of falling and injury. Avoid various obstacles on the road with caution and be especially vigilant.

Be sure to wash your e-bike after it rains

If you ride your e-bike in the rain or right after it rains, washing your vehicle after riding is a must. Careful maintenance of your e-bike will extend its life and ensure a trouble-free operation.

Since an e-bike travels faster, it gets thrown more mud than a similar vehicle without a motor. Moisture and dirt particles on a bicycle can not only cause rust, but also a failure of various parts.

Please note that washing the e-bike must be done by hand. Car wash services will have to be abandoned since such an impact can be detrimental and cause irreparable harm. If you need to wash your bike, follow these steps:

  • Be sure to turn off the power before washing.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wash the battery, wheel motor, controller and other electrical parts with strong water pressure. Avoid using a pressure washer. If water gets inside the protective housing, a short circuit cannot be avoided.
  • Wipe the motor-wheel and other components with a soft cloth. If there is heavy dirt, use a damp sponge. Then wipe all parts dry.
  • Leave the electric bike in a dry place until it is completely dry.
  • Lubricate all running units, as lubricants may have been partially washed off during washing. Remove excess grease with a rag.

Be sure to wash your e bike after it rains


If you carefully and properly care for your electric bike, as well as follow simple recommendations for operation, even riding in the rain will not affect the life or performance of the vehicle. It is possible to ride an e-bike in rainy weather, but it is important to remember the safety rules.

Be vigilant and strictly follow the rules of the road! Then the trips in any weather will be pleasant and safe.