How to deal with sleeping problems. Review on Journey: Sleep Insomnia Helper app


Can you imagine that an average person spends about 20 years of her or his life sleeping, that’s absolutely mind blowing! You probably remember spending your teenage years dancing with friends all night long and then going to school without feeling tired or sleep-deprived, though having only a few hours of sleep. Unfortunately, as we get older we lose this ability, because our body becomes more susceptible and we are exposed to a lot of anxiety and worry on a daily basis. Moreover, when stressful work and a sedentary lifestyle are added, we get an explosive mix, which directly affects the quality of our sleep.

Perhaps you’ve already noticed how a poor night’s or little sleep affects your mood and productivity during the day. Doctors and sleep experts constantly remind us how important it is to get enough sleep everyday, however, very few of them actually explain what it takes to achieve this. For this reason, we would like to share with you today a review on the sleep app Journey: Sleep Insomnia Helper and share with you how this app can help you get rid of insomnia, organize your daily and night routine and improve the quality of sleep as well.

How to deal with sleeping problems

What is Journey?

Journey is a smart sleep app that basically performs as your personal assistant and sleep coach. Journey not only guides you on how to improve your sleeping habits, but also helps to build healthy ones in order to feel great during the day.

Who might benefit from this app?

The sleep app Journey is completely universal and works for people of all ages, as the quality of sleep is crucial both for infants and adults. For those who want to take full control of their sleep, better understand their sleeping habits and track sleep patterns, this app is definitely the right choice.

Getting started with the Journey app

So where to start, you might ask. Once you have installed the app, a free one-week subscription trial mode is available to everyone, in which users can contact a professional trainer who is always ready to sort out problems and help you find the right program for your needs. At any time you can get answers to your questions and requests from a trainer. Each user has an online chat room where they can get individual help from a trainer in real time. Generally this takes a few minutes during working hours, but if the trainer has a heavy workload, it may take a little longer. From the coach you will receive a set of recommendations with the appropriate techniques that best suit your needs in your particular situation.

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What are Journey’s main features for sleeping better?

The Journey sleep app offers a 30-day personalized course, developed specifically for your needs, during which you will receive data on your sleep, and advice from professional experts on how to improve it. The course schedule consists of morning and evening sessions, each lasting around 8 minutes, which are based on your personal sleep goals.

It is important to note that personal trainers rely only on scientifically proven data. The app uses a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach which helps people change ineffective thinking, behavior and relationship habits and replace them with more useful ones. CBT works effectively in treating anxiety and depression, as it helps to recognise and monitor negative thoughts and eliminate negative thoughts and worries that keep you awake. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the distinctive feature of the app is its scientific approach

The app uses a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach which helps people replace ineffective thinking, behavior and relationship habits with more useful ones. CBT works effectively in treating anxiety and depression, as it helps you to quickly identify and monitor some negative thoughts and worries that keep you awake and transform them. In order to get some scientific background on the therapy follow the link, where you can find more information. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the distinctive feature of the app is its scientific approach; during the development of the app, all the studies have been approved by the FDA – US Food and Drug Administration. This way you may be sure that you will be given only professional help and recommendations.

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Exploring sleep content on Journey

Within the app, users have access to a huge library of sleeping content, which includes over five hundred stories recorded by sleep experts exclusively for Journey. In addition to this, the app offers a variety of meditations designed to calm the mind in the evening as well as to keep you happy for the coming day. Instrumental music has a positive effect on the nervous system and is great for falling asleep as well, moreover it has been shown to have a positive effect on memory training skills. Ambience sound is a unique sleep tool that can effectively benefit your well-being, making it easier for you to sleep deeply.

How can I get the Journey App?

IOS users can find and download the app for free in the App store following the link. In order to get access to all the features of the app, try out using a subscription which would cost you $19.99 per month. For those wishing to purchase an annual membership plan, the subscription will go for $99.99 per year. Furthermore, each user is given a free one-week trial period with full access to premium features, including a chat session with a professional coach. More information on the Journey app can be found on the Journey website

In conclusion, we would like to add that if you have never yet tried sleep tracking technologies, we strongly recommend that you do so. Today, as never before, technology is constantly evolving, developing unique software programs available to everyone that can significantly improve our quality of life and affect our health for years to come, so why shouldn’t we take advantage of such a chance? Start monitoring your sleep today and you won’t have to wait long to see the results.