The 11 best documentaries in US that you can see on YouTube

YouTube is that streaming platform that we usually use to watch short videos for rapid consumption of content related to music, sports, or television, among other topics. However, the Google service keeps authentic audiovisual gems in documentaries.

Completely free of charge, you can expand your knowledge of economics or history with the best productions published on the platform. To make your task easier, we recommend those documentaries in US that you cannot miss on YouTube.

The 11 best documentaries in US that you can see on YouTube

What will our planet be like in the future?

This BBC-produced documentary explains how climate change has affected our planet in recent years and how it is doing so today. If human behavior does not change, the experts predict a very negative future for the Earth, as they explain in the hour and a half long documentary.

HOME – The Earth

This documentary directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand was released in 2009 and consisted of spectacular aerial images of 54 countries and the narrator’s voice-over. This production tells the story from the beginning of the Earth to the present during its two hours duration. Thus, you will know how the Human has treated (or mistreated) his house and how that behavior is affecting him. All this without giving an opposing point of view, “it is too late to be pessimistic.”

Vietnam, a war never seen.

National Geographic is the chain behind this exciting documentary that portrays the history of photographers during the Vietnam War. During this confrontation, Tim Page, a leading photographer, returns to the country to share moments with those who had a role similar to his.

The happiest country in the world?

We all know something about what happens in North Korea, one of the most secretive countries in the world. RT goes into that society to show us what daily life is like there, how citizens live in such an isolated society. As a highlight, the North Koreans’ statements, who speak of their illusions, hopes, and feelings towards North Korea.

The price of free

This documentary is the third part of the series The virtual revolution. With protagonists such as Tim Berners-Lee and Bill Gates, The Price of Free tries to count the dangers that it entails for users to enter the network, with only one use of the Google search engine, for example. For all those who use the Internet, this documentary is mandatory viewing.

Touching the void

Joe Simpson and Simon Yates are two mountaineering friends who, in 1985, set out to climb the top of Siula Grande, a 21,000-foot-high Peruvian peak. Near the end, one of them suffered a broken leg, an obstacle on the road that made things extremely difficult for the two mountaineers. That’s the story told by this magnificent documentary, winner of a BAFTA Award in 2003.

Food Inc

Robert Kenner is the director of this 2008 documentary that delves into the American food industry to show its dangers. Thus, it shows the point of view of producers, farmers, and farmers who work with the country’s large multinationals and the conditions to which they are subjected in their work. If you want to know what is behind such an important industry, be sure to watch this documentary on YouTube.

Copy, you cursed! Copyright in the digital age

Co-produced by Radio Televisión Española, this documentary studies the situation of audiovisual production under free licenses in Spain. Copy, you cursed! It is a great tool to learn how copyright, copyright, and copyleft work in the country, especially those studying or working with related topics.

The Story of Stuff

Not all documentaries are hours and hours long, demonstrated by La Historia de las Cosas. Barely 20 minutes long, this documentary criticizes the consumer society in which we live, showing what the life cycle of the goods and services we use is like. In addition, it encourages us to work to create a sustainable world in which we take care of the planet.

In the city at the end of the world

Dozens of documentaries have dealt with the history of Chernobyl, one of the most severe nuclear accidents in history. However, the one carried out by journalist Jon Sistiaga for Canal + stands out. This trip to that area in which no one will be able to live for the next 24,000 years shows us a new and exciting point of view about the accident and the current situation of what is known as the Zone of Alienation.


The filming of a documentary lasted two years that makes an impressive portrait of humanity with the testimonies of people from all over the world. Specifically, 2,000 individuals were interviewed in 65 countries. War, poverty, and homophobia are just some of the issues the protagonists reflect.

Due to its 188 minutes in length, Human is divided into two parts on YouTube. Allow him to learn about the immense diversity of human beings and the different situations in every corner of this fantastic planet.