7 Safest Data BackUp Ideas That Won’t Mess With Online Privacy


7 Safest Data BackUp Ideas

Advances in technology have indeed brought various conveniences in various human daily activities. However, this technological advancement is also directly proportional to the threats arising from crime in the digital realm.

Various digital services now require the public to enter information related to themselves, and most of this information is sensitive information that has the potential to become a target for digital crime.

Data backup is also helpful for companies. They have to make crucial decisions for the sake of their businesses. These decisions will always be made based on the actual and critical data that are served in a safe place.

Data backup is important to ensure that credible information and statistics are still intact. The decision-makers then may use these data to create the best plans and decisions for the company.

Data backup is an important topic to talk about. Therefore, the public needs to be aware of this by taking better safeguards for storing sensitive information. Here are Kaspersky recommended ways to store important data and information securely.

The 7 Safest Data BackUp Ideas

1. Encrypt All Your Devices

Enabling full disk encryption (FDE) is a certain action you can do that will help protect data more safely.

For information, on Windows, the name of the FDE tool is BitLocker. Meanwhile, there’s FileVault for MacOS. The FDE is default enabled on most devices (whether on desktop or mobile phones), and don’t disable this feature unless necessary.

2. Do Not Transfer Raw Data Without Encryption

When it is necessary to send essential data online, either by email or file-sharing services, Kaspersky strongly recommends avoiding it. But if you have to send the file no matter what, at least make sure that it’s already encrypted beforehand as protection against interception.

The quickest way you can do to encrypt the data is to make a file that’s password protected. After encrypting the important data to transfer, you may send the password directly to the recipient through a completely different channel that still supports end-to-end encryption.

Aside from using encryption, you can also enhance the protection by having a VPN Service. It’s always advisable to use the service from reliable sources, like  PIA secures all your data using encryption feature. Therefore, it can always remain protected on any occasion.

3. Make More Data Copy

It is also recommended that you make copies of the data in several storage locations that are isolated. For example, you might store one copy on a desktop and the other on another storage.

Be sure to remember that you still need to encrypt each file copy.

4. Limit The Data Access

Generally, people use physical media to store their data. Things like external hard disks or flash drives are the common ones. It’s always better to keep these devices in the office to prevent anything terrible from happening.

And if you want to copy the data into any external media, make sure to do encryption first with a security solution. Some of these solutions are usually suitable for businesses in small and mid-size and already have the support to create safer encrypted storage placed within the crypto containers, which you can take advantage of.

5. Secure Crypto Container Archives and Passwords

Losing a password to access a protected file basically means that you have lost that actual important data. To prevent this terrible scenario from happening, make sure to store passwords in a very safe space and program such as the Kaspersky application to create and store complex passwords securely.

Besides the password management utility feature, the safety program also offers security solutions for MSMEs, including tools to create crypto containers and automate the data backup process.

Naturally, this tool also protects all your connected devices from malware that can compromise company secrets.

6. Delete The Data You No Longer Need

Even data that’s not usable can still cause problems, so you should get rid of that information. You should delete it and empty the recycle bin for less sensitive information right after.

You can also use the paper shredder to delete physical data.

7. Backup Encryption

Being one of the essential factors in maintaining information security, backup also has the potential to be penetrated. Therefore, before doing the backup, ensure to place this sensitive information file in a safe container.

Do the Regular Data Backup

Storing data online is a straightforward and effective way of storing data. Basically, online data storage does have risks because data can be lost at any time. That’s the reason why you should always back up your data regularly.

Today’s most popular physical storage are flash drives, SD cards, hard drives, etc. Data storage problems often arise, such as file corruption, device damage and various virus attacks.

Data backup is a way to copy data from a computer hard disk to another storage media. There is a reason why it is essential to perform regular data backups that you need to know.

Computer users should have to backup data regularly and prevent various activities that will damage the hard disk. Regular data backup will increase productivity, and you can be calm when using the computer because the risk of data loss is pretty minimal.

All people do not yet understand awareness about data backup because they believe in the running computer system and don’t want to bother. But, the causes of data loss are very varied, so it is crucial to do data backups regularly.