Bitcoin vs. Cash – A Comparison of their Use as a Store of Value


Bitcoin vs. Cash - A Comparison of their Use as a Store of Value

Since the emergence of the Bitcoin wallets  in 2009, it has been compared with traditional currencies, especially cash. While Bitcoin is often referred to as a digital currency, some people also consider it a store of value, like cash. This article examines how Bitcoin compares to cash in terms of their use as a store of value.

What is a Store of Value?

A store of value is an asset that holds its value over time and can be used to preserve wealth. It is an economic concept that refers to the ability of an asset to maintain its purchasing power over time. Traditional stores of value include gold, real estate, and cash. The value of these assets may fluctuate in the short term, but they tend to retain their value over the long term.

Cash as a Store of Value

Cash is one of the most common stores of value. People use it to preserve wealth by keeping it in a savings account, a safety deposit box, or even under their mattress. Cash is generally considered a safe asset because it is backed by the government and is legal tender. However, holding large amounts of cash may not be the best way to preserve wealth in the long run because of inflation. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of cash over time.

Bitcoin as a Store of Value

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that is not backed by any government or financial institution. However, many people see it as a store of value, like gold or cash. Bitcoin’s supply is limited to 21 million coins, which makes it scarce and valuable. Moreover, Bitcoin has a deflationary nature, meaning that its value is likely to increase over time due to its limited supply. Many investors see Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation and a way to preserve wealth.


One of the major differences between Bitcoin and cash as stores of value is volatility. Cash is relatively stable and does not fluctuate much in value over time. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is highly volatile and can experience rapid price fluctuations. This makes it a riskier asset to hold as a store of value compared to cash. While Bitcoin’s volatility may attract investors looking for high returns, it also exposes them to significant risk.


Liquidity refers to how quickly and easily an asset can be converted into cash. Cash is the most liquid asset because it is universally accepted as a medium of exchange. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is less liquid because it is not widely accepted as a form of payment. While Bitcoin can be easily bought and sold on cryptocurrency exchanges, it may be more difficult to convert into cash in some regions.


Security is another important factor to consider when choosing a store of value. Cash is relatively secure because it is backed by the government and is legal tender. However, it is also vulnerable to theft, loss, or destruction. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is secured through cryptography and stored in digital wallets. While Bitcoin is less vulnerable to theft and loss, it is still at risk of hacking and other cyber threats.


Regulation is another factor that differentiates Bitcoin from cash as a store of value. Cash is subject to government regulation, and its use is tracked by financial institutions. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is decentralized and operates outside of traditional financial systems. While this makes Bitcoin more private, it also makes it more difficult to regulate and monitor. Some governments have banned or restricted the use of Bitcoin, which may limit its appeal as a store of value in those regions.


In conclusion, Bitcoin and cash have different strengths and weaknesses as stores of value. Cash is a stable and liquid asset that is backed by the government and widely accepted as a medium of exchange. However, holding large amounts of cash may not be the best way to preserve wealth over the long term due to inflation. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a scarce and valuable asset with a deflationary nature, making it a potentially attractive store of value. However, Bitcoin’s high volatility and limited acceptance as a form of payment make it a riskier and less liquid asset compared to cash. Additionally, Bitcoin’s lack of government backing and decentralized nature may make it more difficult to regulate and monitor. Ultimately, the choice between Bitcoin and cash as a store of value depends on an individual’s risk tolerance, investment goals, and overall financial strategy.