Building a strong audience for your gaming channel is the most important feature to help grow your channel. With maximum engagement, you can notice the growth and you get maximum opportunities. Streaming has become a popular way to showcase your talent and skills and there are only a few who have reached their goal. If you too want to reach your goal, then you should know some strategies which might help you.

It is a matter of fact that all are very talented but that is not enough. Along with that you would need strategies and communication skills. The moment you start streaming, you should enjoy the game and be confident of winning it. The only thing that attracts viewers other than gaming skills is the way you communicate with them and how you address everything.


1. FOLLOW TREND WITH MODIFICATION – Going with trend might become useful. Try streaming those games which have gone viral among all and those which you can play. Go through all the gaming sites more often and stay updated about what game is gaining more followers or which game is more entertaining to the people, but do not try to hop into every popular game because it may backfire when you’ll realise that you are not so good at them. You can play those to pass away your time and for fun but concentrate on those which you are actually good at. To make the streaming more interesting, always try to put yourself as you are and maintain the authenticity. Your audience shall know about you and your characteristics. You being you will make them feel relatable to you and they will enjoy your streams.

2. FIX A ROUTINE – You should maintain particular timings of your streaming. To maintain the engagement, you should stream at a particular time regularly. Maintaining a schedule will help you stay consistent and your followers will also know about your streaming timings. You should be responsible enough to let them know about streaming gamers If you make any changes to your streaming time then let know your followers through social media stories or anything you prefer.

3. KEEP COMMUNICATING – You can not just sit quietly and stream. You have to communicate with your audiences and entertain them. However, that does not mean you have to speak continuously. You have to focus on your game too. Try telling them your game strategies or explain your special moves to them. You won’t always get game related questions, however you can answer personal questions too because that will be just a way through which your followers will know about you. Engaging is very vital as that will be your key to keep your audience connected to you. You have to also know how to balance the conversation, you just can’t go on ranting about a particular topic.


4. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR SUBSCRIBERS – The subscribers of your channel will eventually be the reason for your daily bread so don’t forget to thank them oftenly. You will obviously know your 4-5 daily subscribers who will be very active with you and will regularly follow you. You can keep their requests if they make any and you can give shoutouts to your new subscribers while you thank them. This way your audience will be happy with you and the engagement will remain constant.

5. USE SOCIAL MEDIA AT ITS BEST – Try to be active on every social media handle. The most used social media apps are Instagram and Twitter. Make a professional account and interact with your social media followers. You can also update them about your videos and streamings on stories or posts. Going live oftenly from your page will also help you gain a lot of audience.


6. SET UP A PROFESSIONAL GAME SETUP – One of the major factors is having a proper game setup. If you will be showing yourself on live streams, make sure you invest in a good webcam and microphone. Upgrade your tools, devices and also your background. Also make sure you have perfect internet connection. To upgrade your gaming quality, you can also use live game streaming software.


7. INVITE OTHER GAMERS – Although your channel will be focused on solo gaming ventures, inviting some other popular gamers to your streams will benefit both of you. Reach out to other gamers and build a connection with them. Later you can collaborate with them and that will surely attract a plenty of audience.

8. REACH OUT TO SPONSORS – For this you would need to have a certain number of subscribers and followers. Once you reach that benchmark, you can reach out to various sponsors to sponsor your live streams. Choose your sponsors wisely. At first they won’t agree to pay you, rather they will provide you with their products. Agree to that and choose the products according to your needs. Further promote them in your streams and let your fans buy them from you.

9. HOLD GIVEAWAYS – Appreciating your viewers is an important part of growing your channel. You have to give them something in return for the love and support they give to you. You as a beginner have to take care of all the rules and the decision has to be very much unbiased. You can rely on various websites for decision making. As a fresher you can begin with giving away gift cards or voucher cards, subscriptions for games, emotes and such things which you can preferably afford. Later when you grow, you have to increase the value of your giveaways.


10. MODERATION – Last but not the least, learn moderation. Dealing with hate comments will become a part of your life. It’s true that “with good comes bad”. You cannot get hyped or lose your temper when someone makes a bad comment on you. Rather, block them or use your sense of humour to reply to them sarcastically.