5 Tips for Better Grades that Don’t Involve Extra Study


Better Grades that Dont Involve Extra Study

Do you want to earn great grades or help your child do well in university? You paid the tuition. Learn 5 tips that will help you get your money’s worth!

As an adjunct professor at a liberal arts university I am often surprised at how ill prepared my students are to face the world of higher education. When every class skipped or failed means money flushed down the toilet, the lack of preparation is even more astounding. If you are a student or just an essay writer dumping thousands of dollars in an academic experience here are five simple ways you can raise your grades and get a better experience for your money.

Catch Your Professor’s Eye

Professors are far more likely to have an impact on you and what you are learning if you know them and they know you. What is the easiest way to get to know a new person? Facetime. Show up to class and sit closer towards the front. Let your professor see you in the same spot every time diligently paying attention and taking notes.

Respect Your Professor’s Time

Even if this is not a class that you particularly enjoy, show up on time and pay attention. Having your professor think of you as “the kid that is always walking 10 minutes late” or “the kid that sleeps in class” is not going to win you any points when he or she is grading your work. Instructors are far more willing to spend extra time explaining concepts and assisting students when they feel that the student respects their time.

If you continually arrive late to a class, text under the table, or fall asleep during a lecture, it is easy for the teacher to assume you don’t respect them or the time they have put in to prepare a class for you. Why would they want to help someone like that?

The Map to an A is in the Syllabus

At the beginning of every class there is a document shared either on paper or electronically. This is called your syllabus and it is one of the most important tools for earning good grades. This is the golden key for unlocking the mysteries of your professor.

What do they expect? Make sure you read through all expectations for work and large projects. It is especially important to read your syllabus because every professor has different expectations. One professor may allow late work up to a certain point. Another won’t. If your professor is good he/she will tell you quite plainly how to be successful in their class.

Asking Questions Helps Students Earn Top Grades

Come to class prepared with one or two questions over the content of the material to ask in class. While this might be difficult if you are in a huge lecture it is still worth making the attempt. Being prepared to ask questions will serve you in three ways. It will force you to read through the content and stay on track with your syllabus. It will help you to build a relationship with the professor. It will also help you to remember and apply the material. Students that are actively engaged in the learning process will learn and retain more than those that show up and fill seats.

“A” Students Apply What They Learn

Think about why what you are learning applies to your life and your personal goals. Try to find a connection. If you can’t understand why what you are learning is meaningful you will not remember it. Discuss material with your friends and ask what they think. Think about experiences you have had that cause you to agree with or question the material being taught. If you need help building bridges that connect theory with practice respectfully ask your professor. He or she will most likely be happy you asked.

Earning great grades at university means more than showing up and filling a seat. Take advantage of the educationally rich environment you are paying top dollar for. Go beyond being like an empty cup and start to participate. Your professor will remember you in a positive way and will be more likely to go out of his/her way to help you succeed.