Customized Sales Enablement Software for Achieving the Desired Numbers & Sales Figures


Advantages Of Custom Software Development

Well, to begin with, ‘Sales Enablement’ is an extensively thought-out, conceptualized and well strategized process of providing your company’s sales/marketing team with the best available resources to close-in more business deals. The said resources may be in the form of video content, audio messages, tools, software, apps, knowledge and critical business information to effectively market your products & services to a set of targeted audience or customers. And, with the availability of advanced sales enablement software through technology experts and business enhancement partners like “Guidde”, it has become easy to provide your sales team with the best-in-class knowledge and content for engaging maximum customers, day in & day out.

Advantages of Sales Enablement Programs & Software

  • 35% higher team sales target achievement or fulfillment
  • 25% improved individual sales target achievement
  • 24% higher conversion ratio & rate
  • Enable company sales representatives to drive-in more sales & leads

It is probably the best way to pass knowledge and information to your sales team, for creating, organizing and delivering On-App video in numbers and scale that perfectly incorporates into any business software. This is how you are able to achieve your targeted sales figures, by engaging and educating your customers. In this way, your company’s sales team is able to effectively handle 2-3 times more business accounts and close-in a greater number of deals. This is only possible with customized and robust enablement software which is truly compatible with an On-App video.

Statistics reveal that such highly customized sales enablement software is able to save up to 6-7 hours per week, as your dedicated sales & marketing team have to spend less time on Zoom or Google Meet sessions. It (software) helps in streamlining the customer onboarding process by almost 54% through interactive videos created on the App. This makes it easy for your customers to access all the knowledge through the videos on-App, without having to leave the application.

The Real Purpose of Sales Enablement Software

Fulfill Sales Target & Objectives – With one such custom-built sales software, your organization’s sales team is fully equipped with content (video & audio) and the necessary assistance needed to effectively engage prospects, buyers and customers. This helps in reducing time to merchandise and structure content by almost 75% and increases the efficacy of your custom designed enablement software.

Boost Strategic Sales Initiatives – When your company is launching a new product, one such advanced enablement software helps provide your on-payroll & dedicated sales representatives the context as to why such sales initiatives are so important and how to effectively implement them in a product’s operational life cycle. It (software) also helps in enhancing the implementation and execution of strategic business/company sales initiatives to get the desired business growth outcome. Such advanced software has everything a company sales enablement requires to efficiently bridge the gap between marketing & sales.

Faster Onboarding Process – Your company’ marketing team can now scale-up in-house training programs with the help of one such sales & marketing enablement software. It also helps in onboarding new sales representatives, with the required domain/service knowledge and the behaviors to be successful. It increases a representative’s productivity by almost 25-28%. This particular software is a perfect platform for delivering learning programs that provides knowledge-based training for improving performance and enhancing customer convincing capabilities.

Measure the Performance of your Sales Team

Business sales enhancement software is also able to provide actionable insights into the performance, functioning and operation of your company’s dedicated sales force or sales team. It is able to effectively map & track all sales enablement deliverables, as well as programs, which decides business outcomes. But, it is the important area of measuring the performance of the on-app video content and sales forays and the guidance to improve customer engagement strategies that makes one such custom software, so vital for the survival of a company’s marketing initiative.

Statistics reveal that over 75% of companies worldwide use the best sales enablement tools for achieving higher sales and meeting their company’s revenue target. It definitely has a powerful impact on the success of any business or company that is facing a crunch time. This shows how indispensable such a sales enablement tool has become for the survival of all companies that are posed with stiff competition and business rivalry.

Figures Related to Sales Enablement Tools, Software & Analytics

  • To begin with, sales enablement plays a pivotal role in truly enhancing your customer experience initiatives and all investments related to achieving the desired sales outcome, revenue growth and results. 
  • A majority of companies in the US, UK and Australia are now turning to measuring the competencies of their sales force and frontline marketing managers through one such well designed sales enablement analytic tool.
  • The custom designed software helps in tracking the impact of your on-app video content that is directly correlated with improved success rates.
  • Almost 30% of business entities, companies and organizations are now tracking their customer-centric initiatives and values like NPS as the primary sales enablement metrics.
  • Organizations that measure & track seller/sales competencies are reporting ‘success rates’ that are almost 6 points higher than companies that do not track seller competencies.
  • A company’s or an organization’s sales enablement team that tracks the revenue generated from their content, report ‘win rates’ that are almost 12 points higher than business enterprises that do not track this sales metric.

So, it is not at all difficult to understand why such sales enablement analytics & tools have become indispensable for the efficient running and generating the desired growth figures for any company, globally.

Final Words

It is without any doubt that with fully customized enablement software for sales, a company’s marketing team and sales representatives are able to effectively outreach and engage with customers on popular web-enabled platforms like LinkedIn or via Email. It also helps provide a seamless integration with Hubspot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Gong, etc. Such well designed software basically equips your company’s sales team with the best marketing strategies, tools & video content that focuses on customers and their buying pattern or behavior. And, with intuitive customer interface, built-in automation and productivity tools, it effectively helps in bridging the gap between sales and marketing initiatives. Such an advanced software solution provides you with the ability to organize, create, edit, share and effectively manage your sales centric resources with relative ease. This is how this tool works.