Digital Card Of The IMSS Of Mexico: What It Is For And How To Download It

Digital card of the IMSS of Mexico what it is for and how to download it

We are going to explain what it is for and how you can download the IMSS digital card, from the Mexican Institute of Social Security. It is an electronic system with which you will be able to access the information of active and retired workers quickly and easily, and without having to physically go to any office.

We are going to start the article by briefly explaining what exactly this tool is and what it is for. And then, we will also briefly indicate how you can achieve it.

What is it and what is it for

In Mexico, the Social Security system depends mainly on the IMSS or Mexican Institute of Social Security. To a lesser extent, it also depends on ISSSTE, but the latter is only for state workers. For the rest of the workers, the system depends on the IMSS.

To access your Social Security data, it is normal to physically go to an office, queue there and wait your turn, and then ask for the data you want to access. What this electronic system does is to be able to consult your data directly from the computer, and only you can do it.

It is a system that allows you to identify yourself through the Internet within the IMSS. With it, you will be able to see your employer’s movements in your Social Security account, which can help you detect non-payments or other anomalies that you can then try to solve with him.

This card is available to workers or employees who are registered in this unit. You will be able to request it directly from home through the browser.

How to request your IMSS card

If you want to obtain your digital card for retirees or employees registered with the IMSS, you only have to enter the official website of this tool, whose address is Here, click on the New user registration option that will appear below the field where you enter your data.

This will take you to a screen where you simply have to write your data. You also have to decide on a password, which is to access such sensitive information, it is recommended that it be a secure password.

Once you have completed the registration, you have to wait for about 12 hours until you receive the confirmation email. In it, you will have a link that will take you to the page where you have to confirm your data, and where you can download your digital card.