How To Search For Conversations Or Messages On Facebook Messenger

How to search for conversations or messages on Facebook Messenger

Today we are going to explain how to search for conversations or messages on Facebook Messenger. It is the main Facebook messaging application along with WhatsApp, and although there are two applications, it is deeply linked to the main application of the social network. Hence, it is possibly one of your alternatives to talk to your contacts in it, and perhaps one day, you will need to locate certain conversations or messages.

Therefore, we are going to start by explaining how to find specific conversations within the application and how to organize those search results into categories. Then we will go on to explain how to search for specific messages within a conversation using words or phrases.

Search for conversations on Facebook Messenger.

To search for a conversation in Facebook Messenger, click on the search bar at the top of the application. In it, you have to write the name of the person whose conversation you want to recover.

Once you write the name or surname, they will appear in a section. All the contacts match the written terms or the groups in which some members match them. Here you will only have to click on the contact whose conversation you want to see to enter it.

And that’s it; when you click on the contact, the chat will open with the conversation, and you will be able to read everything you have written so far with that person. You will also be able to resume the conversation with her, at least unless she has blocked you for some reason.

When you perform a search, at the top, you also have other options to organize the results. If you select the People section, you will only see unique results from specific people, while groups may also appear in the All category.

If you click on the Discover Messenger section, it will suggest other users you don’t follow but who have the first or last name you searched for. This can be useful for finding people you don’t have as friends on Facebook.

And finally, if you click on the Groups section, the groups whose members include users with the name or surname you have searched for will appear.

How to search for messages in a conversation

If you want to search for a specific message within a conversation, first go to the conversation you want to search for. Once in it, click on the button with the information that you have in the upper right part of the screen.

You will go to a screen where you will see a large number of options related to your conversation and the user you are talking to. In this menu, you must click on the Search in the Conversation option, which is the one used to carry out specific searches among the messages of a chat.

You will see a screen with a box that says Search in the conversation. Here you have to write the exact word or phrase that you want to search for within the conversation you are in, and once you have written it, click on the Search button to search.

And that’s it; in the search results, you will see the phrase or phrases within the chat in which the terms you have searched for have been mentioned.