One of the most striking aspects of Telegram is that it has a wide variety of useful bots, secret chats, video messages, and the ability to join groups and channels. If what you want is to find new groups and channels to join, today we will explain how you can do it step by step.

Over time, the messaging app has become an excellent alternative to WhatsApp; its functions are varied and range from the possibility of making calls, sending, receiving, or sending a heavy file, downloading music, and even communicating through video calls. But without a doubt, the groups and the channels continue being its main virtue.

How to search for groups and public channels in Telegram

Telegram: How to search for new groups and channels step by step

One of the things that attract the most attention in the groups and channels is that they can host thousands of viewers; to be specific, a group in Telegram can have up to 200,000 thousand members, while the limit of the channels is infinite.

The groups and channels may be similar at a certain point since their purpose is to spread public messages; However, they are not the same. Unlike in groups, there may be an interaction between members, either through messages, stickers, or audio.

Now that you know the differences between a channel and a Telegram group, it’s time to find out how to find them. The way to access new channels and public groups in Telegram is very simple; you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Telegram application, either on your mobile or computer.
  2. Please tap on the search bar; it is at the top of the application with a magnifying glass icon.
  3. Write the name of the channel you want to access. It will then display a series of profiles, channels, and groups. The channels are identified with a megaphone icon followed by the name, and an icon of two people accompanies the groups.
  4. Select the channel or interest group and click on the name. To finish, click on “Join the channel” or “Join the group.”
  5. Ready, you already belong to the channel. You have to be aware of the rules and regulations of each one to avoid suspensions.

Telegram How to search for new groups and channels step by step step1

Telegram How to search for new groups and channels step by step step2

Telegram How to search for new groups and channels step by step step3

Telegram How to search for new groups and channels step by step step4

The other way to enter a particular channel or group on Telegram is through an access link. In this case, you have to click on it, and it will automatically send you to the group or channel window. This method is the fastest and safest; the only drawback is having the URL available. A good way to find these groups is through our list of the best Telegram groups and channels.

It should be noted that you can only join these groups or channels as long as they are public. , Instead, to enter private groups or channels on Telegram, you must receive an invitation to join. In this way, you can easily find them from the search engine.

You can also take advantage of the application’s search engine to find groups in your area and join them to find people close to you who also use Telegram.

Pages to find Telegram channels and groups

If you can’t find the group or channel you were looking for, you can always go to the Telegram group and channel directories that exist on the Internet.

TLGRM and Telegram Channels are the two most popular, with hundreds of thousands of different channels and groups to join, organized in different categories and with the possibility of establishing search filters to find the most suitable group or channel.