How To See Private Facebook Messages On Mobile Without Using Facebook Messenger

How to see private Facebook messages on mobile without using Facebook Messenger

Today we are going to explain a little trick with which you can see and write private Facebook messages on your mobile without using Facebook Messenger. By default, both from the mobile application and from the web, when you enter it from your phone, Facebook always forces you to download the messaging application to be able to use its chat, but there is an easy way to bypass this block.

In essence, what you will have to do is see the Facebook website with its computer version, with which you will be able to see and write direct messages without Messenger. The method is much more complicated than simply downloading the app, but if you don’t want to be forced to download an independent one or if you simply don’t trust the Facebook ones, it may be something that you are interested in knowing.

Use the PC version of the website on your mobile

The first thing you have to do is open the Facebook website on your mobile, and once inside, click on the messages option that you will see in the top bar, which precisely has the same icon as Facebook Messenger. The option is there on the web, but when you go to it you will see that the only thing you are told is to download the application.

However, there is a way to bypass this lock. The first thing you have to do is click on the icon of the three mobile Chrome points or the equivalent of the browser you are using for your mobile to display the options related to the page you are viewing.

When you press that icon, a menu will be displayed with options related to the web. In it, you must press and activate the Version for computer option. By doing so, you will enter the web again, but Chrome will simulate that you are doing it from a computer instead of from a mobile.

You will automatically enter the mobile version of Facebook, the one with an m. ahead in its web address and it is adapted for mobile screens, but the difference is that now Facebook will believe that you are doing it from your computer. The interface will be similar but everything will look smaller, and when you enter the Messenger section you will be able to see all the private messages that have been sent to you.

But not only see them, after doing this little trick you can also write private messages from your mobile. The interface will not be as well adapted, but you will have options to send photos, stickers, and likes. Of course, if you are looking for a more complete experience, being able to send voice messages, GIFs, locations, and more, then you will need to use Messenger.