The PS1 Monster Rancher uses one of the best mechanics: you put in a Michael Jackson CD and you receive a new creature


The PS1 Monster Rancher uses one of the best mechanics

I loved Monster Rancher when I was little. I don’t think wrong, I was also very fond of the other two excellent monster collecting sagas, but I was always fond of this series.

In addition, from the first chapter, there was an apparent relationship with the world of video games. Genki, the protagonist, used a PS1 to play Mecto’s Monster Rancher (instead of the well-known Tecmo). Something ordinary, since the series, was launched in 1999, but in 1997 the first virtual installment had already been commercialized.

In their day, a title that was not far from what offered Pokémon or Digimon: breeding creatures and fighting to strengthen them. Be that as it may, Monster Rancher progressively fell into oblivion, even one of its most original mechanics, as taught by user thepenaltyman on TikTok.

As you can see in the video, the game allowed you to insert any CD and recognize it. Once he identified what type of information it contained, he generated a different monster for them.

It was an original way of encouraging us to use natural objects that we had at home and that connected perfectly with the lore of their universe. In Monster Rancher, monsters are also generated by stone discs, so the connection was perfect.

In this way, we could put records by Michael Jackson, AC / DC, or even Julio Iglesias to create different beings. For example, if you place in a Christmas song, you will receive a monster named Santa. On the other hand, if you put in a Billy Joel record, a beast similar to him will appear wearing sunglasses.

Things could get so complicated that later reissues of the game tweaked its data. So, if you wanted to get the monster called Karaoke, you had to use the second version of Nevermind by Nirvana. Yes, or yes, the previous edition was not worth it. You can find the complete list of usable CDs and their results at this link.

Most of the registration is limited to the year of release, so beyond 1997, it will only generate similar creatures in the first game. This mechanic was not only limited to the musical world since it could also be used for PC CDs, Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, or other PS1 games.

However, with the launch of Monster Rancher for iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch, there is a new opportunity to live this experience. More current songs and themes have been added, so it’s a perfect time to re-experiment.