How to choose the perfect ecommerce platform?


How to choose the perfect ecommerce platform

There are many platforms for developing a virtual store. Some of them are free, others are very reasonably priced. The combination of platform and developer is vital in any e-commerce project. Therefore, before choosing a good platform, you should pay attention to some points.

There are many e-commerce platforms for developing your virtual store while you develop your market expansion strategy. Consider the most important characteristics that should be on your future platform.

Also, do not forget that not only the platform plays an important role, but also the developer. Therefore, when implementing your e-commerce project, it does not hurt to use the help of professionals, namely custom web development services.

Main characteristics

  • Adaptability to mobile devices. Given the growing importance of mobile platform traffic, the platform you’re developing your store on must allow you to have a fully responsive design that adapts to smaller screens. This way you will have a store that offers an optimal experience for mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.
  • Versatile visual content management that allows you to manage both informative and static content, as well as the ability to correctly design category and product pages.
  • Advanced SEO, 100% search engine friendly. A platform that allows you to rewrite URLs, sitemaps (XML), meta titles, and meta descriptions.
  • Scalability is based on your height, number of unique links, number of customers, and number of orders received per hour.
  • Managing a product catalog with the ability to import / export information about batches, as well as the application of catalog price rules depending on the type of client and/or volume of purchases.
  • Filtered search tools for the convenience of visitors browsing the product catalog. In addition, it should include an internal search engine for words contained in titles, descriptions, etc. of the directory.
  • Easily customize offers, coupons, promotions, and merchandising to increase sales potential and improve customer experience. This includes the simple creation of upsells or cross-sells through “suggested combinations”.
  • Manage customers with account management so they can track their orders, manage them, save wish lists, newsletter subscriptions, order history, address book, and more.
  • Ability to handle multiple shipping options to multiple addresses in a single order, for multiple deliveries. Managed in terms of the different costs of each option.
  • Ability to process multiple payment options, including electronic and personal payments. All with a flexible checkout process and preferably on the same page, always via a secure connection.
  • Order management with tracking of the payment confirmation process, packaging preparation, and shipment. This includes a step-by-step communication system between the store and the customer based on the administrative configuration.
  • The ability to produce the necessary reports for the timely management of the online store. Combined with Google Analytics, this should allow you to produce the reports and analytics you need to monitor key performance indicators and indicators (KPIs).
  • Translation and localization appropriate to the location/culture of the intended customers, including the possibility of a multilingual site if you plan to sell overseas. Also, Manage multiple currencies if needed.
  • Adequate tools for timely customer service with accurate information through contact forms, FAQ repository, live chat, etc.
  • Customizable ability to activate for the user such functions as comparison of catalog positions, comments, rating, etc. as well as a customizable ability to interact and share through the most common social networks for the relevant market segment.

One way or another, these features are present in today’s leading e-commerce systems, but not in all. Try to choose the best options so that it is easy for you to develop your store in the future.

Do not forget about the help of specialists. Sometimes this is very important. Therefore, you can always use