How To Change Username On Instagram

How to change username on Instagram

We will explain how to change your username on Instagram, both in the mobile application and the web version. In this way, if you have tired of the username or want to try another one to give the account a new address or identity, you can do it easily and in a few steps.

The username not only serves to identify you even if you change the name that appears in the account but also links to your profile so that other people can find you in the search engine. Therefore, all usernames have to be unique, and you can only change yours to another that no one uses.

Change the username in the Instagram app

Change the username in the Instagram app

In the mobile application, you first have to enter your Instagram profile (1) by clicking on the bust icon at the bottom right, both in the Android and iOS versions. Once in the profile, click the Edit profile option (2) you will see just below your description.

Once you are on the screen to modify your profile, you must change what it says in the Username field, which is the username you are using. Click on the field, delete the current username, and write the one you want to use.

If the username you have chosen is free, you will see a green symbol on the right indicating that you can use it. If it is not free, a negative symbol will appear, indicating that you have to look for another one to be able to change it. Once you have chosen the name, click the accept button ✓ to apply the changes.

Change the username on the Instagram website

In the web version of Instagram, the way to proceed is the same. The first thing you have to do is click on your profile image in the upper right, either the one that appears small, as we indicated in the screenshot, or the one that appears a little larger below.

Once you have entered your profile, where you can see all your publications, click on the Edit profile button that you will see precisely to the right of your username.

You will go directly to the Edit profile section within the Instagram settings on the web. Here, change the name that appears in the Username field to the new username you want to use. Once the name has been changed, click the Send button below on the same website. If the username is free, you can proceed, and you will have changed it.