How Can A 3PL freight business Improve The Security Of Its Shipping Containers?


Shipping Containers

Shipping containers should be secure. They should protect your goods. A suitable shipping container should protect your goods from weather conditions, wildlife, and theft. Outfit your shipping containers with the right security features. Invest in container tracking. Optimize the security of your shipping container with the following tips and tricks.

Invest In Heavy Duty Padlocks

Invest in heavy-duty padlocks. This is one of the simplest ways to keep your shipping container safe and secure. There’s an extensive range of padlock styles that can perfectly suit your needs. Simply visit your local hardware store and make an instant purchase. Make sure that your container is always locked.

If you want something more advanced, go for bolt locks or cylinder locks. Depending on your budget, you may also want to consider purchasing CISA container padlocks, which offer an extra layer of security. They’re more effective than ordinary padlocks. Moreover, they’re industry-approved and are compatible with different types of shipping containers.

You also ought to note that CISA padlocks feature a drill-resistant keyway and are made of carbonitride solid steel. Plus, they’re nickel-plated and rust-resistant.

Use Inner Bolts 

Incorporate an inner bolting system into your container’s design. Make sure that the internal bolt locks are fitted to the inside of your container. This will ensure that no intruder gets inside the shipping container. The good thing about these locks is that they’re simple, affordable, and highly secure.

Crossbar Locks 

Crossbar locks are extendable clamps. They’re normally attached to the container’s door using locking rods. The clamp is fastened in place through a keyed lock mechanism.

Even if someone managed to overcome your padlock, these bolts will still prevent them from accessing your shipping container. They’re uniquely designed to resist bolt cutters, as well as, lock pins. Even more, they’re portable and don’t require welding.

Secure Windows

Windows are also very important. Whether you’re utilizing your container for storage or business, installing windows is very important. Shipping container windows feature security bars that prevent thieves from breaking in.

Invest In Alarm Systems 

Are you planning to keep valuable items inside your shipping container? Well, it’s time you consider installing an alarm system. Modern systems include advanced features such as motion detectors, closed-circuit TV monitoring, and remote sensors.


Depending on where you’re located, you can decide to install fencing around your shipping container. This will serve as a restrictive measure against potential thieves. Make sure that the fencing is tall enough to deter intruders from climbing.

Use Video Surveillance

Is the storage container located within your property? Well, it’s important to consider implementing video surveillance. Security cameras can prevent thieves from trying to break into your shipping container.

Even if no one tries to trespass on your property, the security cameras will help you determine if there was a theft attempt. Plus, it will the authorities with tangible evidence about the theft attempt.

The Bottom-Line

A secure shipping container gives you peace of mind. Thus, optimizing its security features. Invest in secure locks. Use inner bolts. Use a shipping container tracking tool. The above tips and tricks will help you enhance the security of your shipping container.