Tech Trends in consumer electronics product development


Technical Task

The consumer electronics industry is rapidly evolving thanks to technological advancements, constant changes in consumer needs and expectations from products, and undoubtedly high competition among various manufacturers in the area.

More and more tech trends are gaining momentum in consumer electronics product development We decided to take a closer look at the current technological innovations used in consumer electronics product development. We also want to share several tips to save time and effort when looking for credible embedded engineers to build a product for your business needs.

Tech trends in consumer electronics product development

Let’s find out more about the current technological trends we can watch in consumer electronics product development. Some of them are familiar but keep evolving in the industry.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT has a wide variety of applications in the consumer electronics industry. Most existing consumer electronic products function based on IoT. Among them are smart home systems, wearable devices, sports tech devices, and e-mobility products. Users must connect their devices to smartphone applications and voice assistants to manage and control them remotely. IoT ensures real-time data collecting and processing, seamless communication with other devices, and, therefore smooth user experience.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

The applications and uses of artificial intelligence in consumer electronics product development keep evolving. Artificial intelligence is used for image, sound, or noise recognition, robots, computer vision, and predictive analytics. Thanks to AI algorithms integrated within consumer electronics products, manufacturers can collect user behavior data, analyze this information as feedback and improve the product design and functionality to enhance user experience. Also, AI helps with automotive repetitive tasks and optimizes device energy consumption to prolong battery health.

Wearable technology

Wearable technology has become irreplaceable in consumer electronics product development. It is used to create wearable devices like smartwatches, smart glasses, fitness trackers, and others. The primary purpose of wearable technology for consumer electronics products is to provide customers with the ability to monitor their health conditions, and daily activity, manage their smartphones remotely, watch movements, and much more applications. Today, people use wearables for personal and work purposes like staff management, security measures to get alerted from your home security system, etc.

Wireless charging

Wireless charging is a consumer electronics technology trend that keeps gaining momentum in the industry. It became widespread due to its convenience, optimization of energy consumption, and more efficient charging. You can find wireless chargers for any type of consumer electronics product, from smartphones to e-vehicles. Another great advantage of wireless charging is its compatibility with various devices. For example, when you buy a wireless charger for your smartphone, it can be used to charge your headphones, smartwatches, fitness bracelets,  and other related devices.

AR/VR technology

AR/VR technologies are emerging trends in the consumer electronics industry, providing a whole range of benefits and applications. These technologies help designers create consumer electronics product designs virtually and test their feasibility before the prototyping phase of the development. It ensures the product design conforms to the customer expectations, including convenience and operation. Overall, AR/VR helps consumer electronics product manufacturers build functional products, making design changes before production, saving a lot of project budget.

Rapid prototyping and production

Rapid prototyping keeps growing as the competition in the consumer electronics industry also increases. Rapid prototyping helps you get the perfect variant of your consumer electronics product and add the required options before you produce it in huge volumes. This approach allows manufacturers to receive product prototypes quicker, thanks to 3D printing and CNC machining. Nowadays, 3D printers work with different materials, which enables developers to get the requested product prototype faster, ensure their feasibility by testing, and make amendments before mass production.

How to find reliable embedded engineers to build consumer electronics products?

Looking for and hiring a credible partner for embedded development can be a time-consuming and challenging task. Hence, we would like to provide some tips to simplify this process.

Experience in embedded engineering

Ensure your potential partner has got extensive expertise in building embedded systems, including hardware, software, and firmware. You can quickly check this information by exploring portfolios on their business websites, where you can find details about past projects, used technologies, approaches, tools, etc.

Client testimonials

The next thing to consider is reviews from their past or current clients. Typically, they publish testimonials on their websites, or you find the company account on Clutch, where all reviews are verified. Also, some development companies provide contact information for their previous clients, so you can boldly connect with them to discuss the cooperation’s success.

Look for a partner among your connections

Before diving into an online search for embedded engineers, we recommend asking your partners, colleagues, or friends for references for reliable development companies. No testimonials or case studies will describe your cooperation with a potential partner better than people who have already gone through it.

Attend industry events

You can find many potential development partners at industry-related events. For instance, the Lemberg Solutions team regularly participates in various development events worldwide, like Embedded World, DrupalCon, and others. By attending this event, you can personally communicate your request, ask all you want to know about their experience and expertise, and also test the demo solutions.

Indeed, hiring experienced embedded engineers to build consumer electronics products will take time and effort. However, following our simple tips, you can make this process much faster and more efficient for your project.