8 Smart Apps For Learning: How To Be More Productive With Your Smartphone


Smart Apps For Productive Learning

Does your child never part with his phone for a minute? It’s not so bad, because a smartphone is not only a window to the world of endless entertainment but also the most important tool for learning and self-development. We tell you about the applications that help you organize your time, expand your horizons or prepare for a lesson in a game form. The experts of cheappaperwriting.com have picked out for you 8 indispensable apps that will make learning easier and more interesting.

Irreplaceable applications


Today’s school student often does not have a single minute of free time: lessons, classes, homework, leisure. The Tick-Tick organizer will help you forget everything and teach you how to schedule your time wisely. You can add all tasks, set deadlines, and distribute priorities. It will always be clear how many things are planned for the day and what needs to be done in the first place, and what can be postponed. In addition, the app has handy reminders for those who are always forgetting to water the flowers or put the gym uniform in the backpack. Or you can create an essay notification. If this task seems impossible for you, the homework help website is ready to help.


Need to memorize a hundred dates for history tests or learn a couple dozen new foreign words in an evening? Quizlet is indispensable for cramming. The application consists of modules with virtual cards: a term on one side and a definition on the other. You can create the modules yourself and share them with your classmates, or you can find ready-made ones in the library. Cards can be used to memorize, for example, mathematical formulas, definitions from biology, physical laws, or properties of chemicals. Quizlet offers five game formats for memorizing modules, so even the most boring topic can be learned in a playful way.


Duolingo is probably the best app for learning foreign languages, from the most familiar ones like English to the rare and even endangered ones. With Duolingo, you learn new words in sentences so they quickly become part of your active vocabulary. In addition, the Duo Owl teaches you to perceive the language by ear and even trains pronunciation. Do not lose motivation help game elements: competition with friends and other players, awards, and progress charts. And if you do drop out, friendly but persistent notifications from a frustrated owl will help you get back into rhythm.

Learning by playing


It turns the fight with procrastination into a game: while you are busy with your work a virtual tree grows in the application. But if you are distracted by the feed or a message from your friend and switch to another window the tree withers. Forest can be used to work in the tomato technique: set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on one task until the tree grows. Then take a five-minute break, and after every four trees (tomatoes) take a big break. You can grow an entire forest of Christmas trees, cacti, and fly agarics in an evening of homework.

Castle Quiz

Being smart is cool. In Castle Quiz, knowledge helps to win battles, build your castle and destroy the fortress of the enemy. The format of the application – a strategic online quiz on school subjects and not only. You can play the game alone, for example, in the subway, or you can arrange a battle of titans with classmates. After the battle, the answers to all questions are explained by experts, so that there will not be a single gap in knowledge.


Puzzle games are a common way to pass the time on the road or at recess between classes. If it’s impossible to tear your child away from these games, tell him about NeuroNation. With short but engaging puzzles, this app trains memory, attentiveness, and logic. It’s as scientific as it gets because NeuroNation was created by a team of scientists from the Free University of Berlin, and its effectiveness has been proven in scientific studies.

For the whole family


Can the study of space make our lives better? What can we learn about a person from their fingerprints? The world-famous TED lectures provide answers to the toughest questions that come to mind for children and adults alike. For school children, there is a separate section of TED Ed with short animated lectures. They will satisfy kids’ curiosity on a variety of issues or help them figure out a complicated topic from school. This app is great for those who are writing a research paper or essay. You can get a lot of ideas here. And if you lack inspiration or desire to write a student paper on your own, you can always order an essay paper for sale.


Stepik courses will help you learn a programming language, prepare for the Unified State Exam, or improve your physics skills. There’s no strict schedule, you can start at any time, and you can study at your own pace. Most of the lessons are recorded on video, and interactive exercises help to consolidate each topic. If you study regularly, the app can replace lessons with a tutor. And the collectors of diplomas and certificates at the end will receive a certificate: regular or with honors.