Photomath and 3 other calculator apps with camera to solve math problems


The mobile phone, or rather the smartphone, has become the main source of tools that help us daily. Among those resources, we highlight the calculator, very useful to solve mathematical problems in a few seconds without having to think about it a thousand times.

However, very few users know that the Google Play Store has several calculator apps that use the mobile camera to offer them even more functions. Photomath is the best known, although today we are also going to highlight the presence of 3 other similar apps that can be your lifesaver if you have problems with mathematics.

Photomath and three other camera calculator apps

Photomath, the most prominent app on Android

Since it came to Android in 2015, Photomath has become a reference application for all mobile users to solve mathematical problems. Just by focusing on the problem with the camera, the app shows you the answer to it.

Not only does it show you the answer, but it also explains the simplified process that has led to it for you to learn the basics and interactive graphics. This function is ideal for students who can learn mathematics thanks to Photomath and thus master the tests of the subject.

In addition to scanning with the camera, this app allows you to edit mathematical problems using its scientific calculator. By the way, Photomath is available in more than 30 languages, ​​and you don’t need your mobile to be connected to the Internet to solve all your math problems. What more could you ask for?

Cymath, a good secondary option

Photomath is the leading camera calculator app, but Cymath has nothing to envy it. Just by taking a photo of the math problem, this application with more than 1 million downloads will show you the solution instantly to put an end to your doubts.

Along with the answer, Cymath will explain all the possible methods to get there step by step so that you understand all the concepts that are covered in them. If you don’t want to use the camera, you can still enter the problem using the application keyboard.

Calculator Pro, basic but decisive

The third option in this list of camera calculator apps is called Calculator Pro. You can download it now in the Google application store, which more than 5 million users have already done. As we say in the title, the operation of Calculator Pro is basic but quite decisive.

Please take a picture of the math problem that is nagging you and wait a few seconds to see the solution to it. Unlike previous apps, the steps or methods that led to the answer to the problem are not shown.

In addition to the calculator with a camera, Calculator Pro also has a keyboard to do calculations and a converter that you can use to go from meters to kilometers, from Kelvin to Celsius, or from belles to decibels. On the negative side, we find advertising, since you will have to see an ad every two or three calculations with the camera.

Calculator Pro basic but decisiveMath Calculator also offers you its camera.

You won’t find many differences between this app and the previous one if you use both. More than 10 million downloads support the operation of Math Calculator, an application that offers you its camera to solve all the mathematical problems you want.

Like Calculator Pro, this last application does not add information about the steps that have allowed that answer or about the possible methods for the resolution. You just have to take a photo of the problem so that the app will show you the solution a few moments later. In addition, it also has advertising that appears after taking several photos.

Math Calculator also offers you its camera.Photomath and Cymath are the most interesting options on this list, as they allow you to learn math while knowing the results of the problems.

However, do not leave aside Calculator Pro and Mathematical Calculator, which can be very interesting tools if what is convenient for you is the speed to find answers.

It is worth mentioning that you can also find applications to learn mathematics with your mobile, which will help you understand mathematics concepts to solve the problems by yourself.