Shocking news keeps coming this year, and we have encountered such astonishing news from Microsoft. Yes, Microsoft has declared that it would no longer be offering 32-bit Windows 10 to computer manufacturers. As we all know, Windows comes with 32-bit and 64-bit architecture, and general users might hardly find any difference between these two builds.

NeoWin spotted the anomalies in the system requirements stated by Microsoft, and the news started making a buzz. Later on, Microsoft confessed that the change would begin with Windows 10 version 2004. In the upcoming days, if you come across any device preloaded with Windows 10, then it would be with 64-bit architecture, not 32-bit anymore.

Is Microsoft dissolving its Association with 32-bit Windows Versions?

If you own a 32-bit Windows 10 powered computer, then it might be the first question that would come to your mind. Well, it is satisfactory that Microsoft has addressed this issue. In addition, the manufacturer has stated clearly that it is not withdrawing support from the 32-bit Windows 10 environment or associated users. As per Microsoft Surface Pro Repair experts, the process of eliminating the 32-bit build is going to be steady and slow.

However, Microsoft won’t be providing the 32-bit Windows 10 version to OEM distributors. All the operating system versions of Windows 10 would be 64-bit. Yet, Microsoft is going to release associated security patches and updates for 32-bit Windows 10 OS. So, you can avail help regarding the 32-bit version. However, no one can guarantee how long it will sustain itself.

What are the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit Builds?

After the news has come up, users are interested in exploring the distinct factors of 32-bit and 64-bit builds. When it comes to the 32-bit processor or build, the device is going to support a memory bus of 2^32 bits, and the figure looks like 4294967296. Whereas, the 64-bit build would represent a memory build like 18446744073709551616. That’s more than 18 quintillions and that’s huge.

So, you can easily interpret how powerful the 64-bit chip will be when it comes to memory power. In addition, the more bit construction it would be, the computer is going to be more efficient. When it comes to a 32-bit processor, it can only support a RAM of not more than 4GB. However, 64-bit processors can handle a RAM of 6GB or more.

In today’s advanced era of speed and storage, smartphones are offering 8GB and more RAM support to users. The media files are increasing in size, and so are the applications. That’s why it’s a smart move for Microsoft to discard the use of 32-bit Windows 10 and keep the 64-bit priority.

And, Microsoft is not the only one in the race. Other software tycoons such as Apple and Google have already taken similar initiatives to move on to the 32-bit architecture. However, Microsoft has initiated the process with Windows 10 version 2004. We can expect other Windows versions such as 7,8,8.1 and others would receive the same action from Microsoft.

32-bit or 64-bit: Which one does your Computer have?

Are you sure that your PC has a 32-bit build? It would be better if you cross-check the information. All the details regarding your PC are stored inside your computer. Most probably, if your computer is less than a decade old, then it must have a 64-bit build. But, check the process out to confirm what you know.

  • If you’re on Windows 10, explore the Start menu.
  • Click on the gear-shaped icon; that’s the Settings of your device.
  • Now, locate the System section and go for it.
  • Afterwards, you can head to the About option. Try to scroll down the left pane to discover About.

After that, you’ll encounter all the details regarding your system. Check out the details beside system type. If it looks like a 64-bit operating system and an x64-based processor, you have a 64-bit build. In case you notice the RAM is significantly low, then you can upgrade the RAM efficiency, as well.

A Mac user need not be worried about the build of the device. Apple has shifted from the 32-bit build way earlier. And, macOS doesn’t support 32-bit applications anymore.

Benefits of 64-bit over 32-bit Architecture

As you have already come across that 32-bit processor, operating systems can only handle a memory of 4 GB. And, here arises the major advantage of a 64-bit system over a 32-bit one. The more RAM your device can use, the faster your device will perform. It means that you don’t have to wait for an eternity to get anything done on your PC.

You can go for a 32-bit operating system on a 64-bit processor. However, the speed won’t be that remarkable. 64-bit operating systems would perform extremely well on x64-based processors. That’s why Microsoft is making a move. Now, users can avail the advantage of multitasking while switching among different applications. Furthermore, the system won’t freeze at all.

Coming to the software support towards 64-bit processors, they are also terrific in terms of performance. The software with the support of 64-bit processors can handle hectic tasks easily. No doubt, it simply enhances the efficiency factor of the PC that you’re using. So, here are the key advantages of using a 64-bit operating system on x64-based processors.

  • Enhanced software performance
  • Stable memory support
  • Non-compromised security features
  • Feeling confident about the latest technology

So, upgrade your PC to a 64-bit operating system and experience the change. Additionally, don’t forget to sneak into the build of the PC before you come to a decision.

Wrapping up…

Microsoft will keep supporting computers with 32-bit Windows 10. But, sooner or later, the 32-bit processor, as well as operating systems, are going to vanish. Hence, it will be a wise decision if you take precautions and upgrade your operating system. In case you’re using x32-based processors, then upgrade that too. Or else, your device would stumble more often than performing seamlessly.