Valorant: Pro Tips That Can Help You Improve Your Aim



More often than you’d like it, you could get kicked out of a Valorant match before you even get a chance to take control. This is because Valorant is a shooter game. As such, you’ll need to be an average shooter at the least to thrive in the game. You can’t be a good shooter if your aim is lagging.

So, in this post, we’ll share some key tips that can help you improve your aim in Valorant. In addition, we’re pretty sure you’d like to check out some of the Best Valorant Hacks, which are also undetected. But before then, let’s dig into the main thing.

5 Pro tips to help you improve your aim in Valorant

  1. Know when to apply different aiming styles

Many Valorant players are guilty of this, and you’re probably one of them. They settle with the flick aim when there are other types of aim they use in various situations. Flick aiming can help you get some kills, but it’s not really needed in a game like Valorant.

You can also choose from track aiming and flick aiming. The best practice is to use all three aiming styles together. Use pre aiming to get your crosshair on point. Following that, use track aim to move your crosshair to your victim’s head. Flick aiming comes last, allowing you to make the final crosshair movement onto the next target after securing the kill.

  1. Don’t run and gun

Players who major on flick aiming are prone to falling for this too. Running while you’re pulling that trigger won’t make you achieve much because it reduces your aim’s accuracy and affects your crosshair positioning. You may be lucky enough to hit some enemies when you shoot during motion.

Unluckily, an injured enemy can still kill you. Therefore, try to make sure you secure the kill on enemies your bullets happen to hit. The best way to do this is to run to the closest cover, aim for the head, and pump on as many bullets as you can. Only move if the target eludes you or after you have secured the kill.

  1. Adjust your crosshair speed

You won’t achieve anything in Valorant if you’re not in control. The same applies to your shooting and aiming. When things are moving too fast for you, just be ready for the disaster at the corner. You have your sensitivity settings to account for this, and luckily, you have control over this too.

Simply head into the settings tab of your game main menu. Look for sensitivity and reduce it a little bit. Get into the game and experiment with your new setting; keep adjusting until you’re comfortable. That way, you’ll be able to move your crosshair in the game with increased precision and accuracy.

  1. Your crosshair placement matters

Some players just leave their crosshairs in the position where they took their last shot. Sometimes this could be on the floor where they finished their last victim. However, this isn’t always a good practice as it will take more movement than necessary to get it back on a new target.

The best position for your crosshair is at the head level. That way, you can easily move your crosshair to a new target without much effort. Leave it on the floor or in the sky, and your life depends on how fast or skilled your opponent is at aiming and shooting.

  1. You can customize your crosshair appearance.

Some crosshair settings make it much easier for players to aim with improved accuracy. In Valorant, you’re at liberty to decide how your crosshair appears in the game. So, utilize that freedom well. You can choose between small dots and a big reticle.

We recommend the small dots. This is because it allows you to aim with the least possible errors. Big reticles, on the other hand, might fit just fine if you’re throwing a grenade. But if you’re shooting a gun, keep your crosshair as small as possible.


Aiming in Valorant can be as simple as picking up that gaming pad. But know this, running while taking shots makes your aiming and crosshair unsteady. Take some time to adjust the sensitivity settings and your crosshair appearance. We mentioned lots more in the article, do well to put them into practice.