What is the average annual salary of a freelance web developer?

The average salary of a freelance web developer is $75,430 per year, and they charge an average of about $60 dollars per hour. The senior developers & software engineers may be taking a higher range, but maybe the average salary cab is affected by a factor, which is a job title. Freelancing provides the best option to those who can’t work from the office. That is why lots of people are joining freelance websites to work with their own requirements.

They are also the representatives of the growing percentage of the freelance population.  If you want to calculate your monthly wage, then with the assistance of an online free monthly salary calculator, you can determine your monthly salary.  It also helps to find out the annual income according to different pay frequencies.

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What is the Average Freelance Web Developer Salary?

The average salary of a freelance web developer is $75,430 per year, which is based on the average salary that is estimated from Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter. People without having experience of years & a decent portfolio may struggle to get the high amount. But your salary rate depends on how you will convince your client. Most of the sources don’t agree to an exact figure for how much money a web developer can make because of the discrepancy between the web developers. The average salary calculation might be difficult, so you can simply account for a monthly income calculator that allows you to convert the salary to the corresponding values that depend on different payment frequencies.

Full-Time Freelance Web Developer Salary:

There are lots of Tech companies that allow their workers to work from the remote areas and it will benefit them as a freelancer. Approximately these programmers can make a salary of about $70,000 to 100,000 per year and this amount based on their years of experience. The average wage of full-time professional job holders is very close to the salary of freelancers in America. You can use the salary calculator to process the salary calculations.

Freelancing vs. Traditional Employment:

Freelancers can work from home or a place other than the office. Some of the online workers prefer to do their tasks from the office, or some of them work in cafes as well. They also sometimes choose to work from remote areas. If we look at it as an opportunity, they have the facility to choose their working hours according to their needs. Freelancing gives so many benefits to traditional work, but it also comes with few downsides.

The reason is that they can manage their working hours and they’re also responsible for completing their assignments in a given period. Instead of performing the manual calculation, you can try a salary calculator that converts the salary in different ranges such as from hourly to salary pay, monthly to hourly pay, hourly to yearly pay. It might also help to have a tax calculator handy to assess how a freelancer’s gross pay will be impacted by taxes.


in the article, we have mentioned the average annual salary of a freelance web developer. We also discussed the average salary of full-time freelance web developers. Comparison of traditional and modern working facilities is also taken into account in this post. The important thing to remember is that the salary calculations are complex to deal with, but you man your online working salary with the assistance of a monthly salary calculator.

The best thing about a freelance web developer is that they can manage their working hours according to their requirements & needs. That is why the number of workers is increasing day by day. Even so, they can also choose their assignment according to their working desires.