Smart Board Exchange allows you to discover relevant, class-ready and easy-to-use content, with a vibrant and growing community at your fingertips. With the platform, you can find, download, evaluate and share more than 30, 000 resources from one easy-to-access online location. These resources can be used with a variety of classroom technology products effortlessly.
Besides, smart board exchange enables you to connect with colleagues across the globe or locally in order to exchange lesson activities, classroom success stories as well as lesson ideas and insights. You are not required to make any registration or sign-in, as you just need to visit the Smart Board Exchange online community and search.
The Smart Exchange online community enables you to find numerous resources, including questions designed for Smart Response interactive response systems, standards-correlated lessons for Smart Notebook collaborative learning software. These resources also include links as well as other multimedia content. Therefore, you can easily browse content by grade, subject, curriculum, popularity, and media type. With the Smart Board Exchange, you can also filter results depending on the Smart products available in your classroom.
Downloading Resources
Using the Smart Board interactive whiteboard, you can search and download a variety of resources to use. Resources unique to your region appear when you type a keyword into the search box and click search. In addition, you can narrow your search results by grade, subject, or type and then click the search button to check the results within the narrowed criteria.
Benefits of Using Smart Board Exchange Online Community
The use of Smart Exchange online community offers several benefits that enhance the learning experience. These include:
- Connecting with other colleagues (Teachers)
The Smart Board Exchange provides an online teacher community that allows you to connect with other teachers to exchange insights, ideas as well as classroom success stories. You need to click on Connect with Teachers on the menu bar. The forum requires you to sign in or register to the Smart Exchange to contribute, but anyone one can read postings.
To sign in or register, you need to check in the top-right corner of the Connect with Teachers area and click the Join link. The forum allows you to gain full access once you register and sign in.
- Sharing Resources
With the Smart Board Exchange community, you can share the resources that you have already created with colleagues. To share created resources, you are just required to click Share a Resource on the menu bar and fill out the required fields.
Besides, you can use this feature to recommend the web pages that you prefer to use with the Smart Board interactive whiteboard. Remember you do not need to have created or own a web page for you to share its link on this area.
- Finding standard-correlated lessons (Easy to access education content)
The Smart Board Exchange forum allows you to search for resources correlated to your local curriculum standards in many regions. If a Standard-Correlated Lessons button appears on the menu bar, then the service is available for your area.
Click the button to select a grade, standard, and subject and then click view to check the standards for that particular region. A View Resources button will appear beside the standard, if a resource is available for a standard.
- Engage learners with interactive resources
The Smart Board Exchange offers a massive library of content that engages learners and matches their needs. Therefore, you can find rich standards-correlated Smart Notebook lesson activities created by Smart education specialists and teachers. Moreover, you can obtain links to useful websites, Smart Response questions sets as well as a variety of multimedia resources.
Smart Notebook Math Tools
The Notebook Math Tools is an add-on to Smart Notebook software. It is equipped with a calculator, advanced equation editor, table and graphing tools, shape division tool, and a shape manipulation tool, and much more. Therefore, the app includes everything that a Math or Science teacher would need to create, evaluate and teach various math concepts.
Moreover, Notebook Math tool supports a variety of learning styles, which allows you to create mathematics lessons that are engaging, interactive and full of fun. The useful software comes at an additional cost though you can first download it for 30-day trial.
Optimizing Smart Board Software for Teachers
Most teachers have amazing lesson plan ideas and insights, but they lack the software to help bring those interactive Smart Board lessons to life. However, you can enjoy a wonderful teaching experience by optimizing your Smart Board software for teachers. Here are the benefits of optimizing the software:
- Start class on time
The optimized Smart Board software for teachers allows you to start class on time. This is by just inserting a USB key or network drive mapped to Reactiv, accessing your lesson plan from a cloud (SharePoint, OneDrive). Therefore, with the software, you do not need to fumble with different applications and folders or audio-video cables.
- Engage You Class
Optimizing the software allows you to involve your class easily as it enables the software to support more than one simultaneous on-screen users. For instance, Reactiv supports up to 10 on-screen users and has the ability to detect and differentiate between eraser, pen and finger inputs from every individual using the screen.
- User-friendly
The optimized Smart Board software for teachers allows you to run every file on one app and with great ease. Therefore, there is no need to switch between applications making the software more user-friendly for teachers.
- Simple User Interface
Optimizing the software provides a simpler user interface as it uses touch gestures that are similar to the ones in your smartphone. This saves you the hassle of navigating through tiny tabs and icons for your media and files using your mouse.
- Ink-up Any File
The optimized software allows you to write and draw in any file, including PDF files. Besides, it enables you to project to a second screen with a simple tab on the screen.
How to Find Free Smart Board Lessons for Teachers on the Smart Exchange Website
Finding free Smart Board lessons can be a considerable challenge due to the high number of members and resources on the website. Therefore, with lots of resources available on the Smart Exchange website, it is imperative to learn how to narrow down your choices. This will allow you to find relevant resources that you meet your students’ learning needs easily. Here are some of the great ways:
- Top Searches
Using the top searches is the most popular way to find free Smart Board lessons or any other thing that you could be looking for on Smart Exchange. It is also advisable to narrow your searches by choosing Smart Notebook lessons.
- Content Standard Searches
The website features a facility that enables you to search for Smart Board resources using content standards. You are required to check and click the link on a page labeled “Standards-Correlated Lessons” to visit a page with a specially modified search.
- Series Searches
This approach involves searching free Smart Board lessons that match a given textbook series. Therefore, you only need to type the name of the textbook series into the main search box on the website, and it will appear in your search results.
Overall, the Smart Board Exchange online community offers a variety of high quality, easy-to-access educational content that can be used with class technology. You find a host of relevant resources, including questions set for Smart Response interactive response systems, standard-correlated lessons for Smart Notebook collaborative learning software and much more. Besides, it also allows you to create, evaluate and share your resources with your colleagues.

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