Close Subdivx: The Veteran Page To Download Subtitles Says Goodbye To Pressure From Rights Owners [Updated]

Close Subdivx the veteran page to download subtitles says goodbye to pressure from rights owners will close at the end of 2021. After almost 20 years of operation, Subdivx has become one of the great references in the Spanish-speaking world for downloading subtitles for series and movies. But its creator has decided to permanently close the portal, explaining that he does not want to continue fighting with the rights owners.

The subtitles website is still active, but it no longer accepts new registrations, and at the end of this year, it will stop working. These are the reasons why Subdivx shuts down.

Rights Management Company Comeso Gets Subdivx Shutdown After Threatening Its Hosting Firm

The explanation at the end is provided by ‘Deif’, the nickname by which the Subdivx administrator is known:

“Hello, friends. Nobody likes to give bad news, but unfortunately, I have to inform you that at the end of the year, we will be closing the site for good. I wish to keep subdivx open for another thousand years, but it can’t be. The rights holders don’t know they give up, and let’s be real, they always win in the end. Download the subs while you can. Thanks to all the creators for sticking with it. It was nice while it lasted…”

Specifically, it points to Comeso, a German copyright management company that has disputed with Subdivx for some time.

According to La Nación, who has been able to contact the Subdivx administrator, Comeso contacted the company eStruxture, the hosting where the subtitles website is stored. A threat has been the final shot, so ‘Deif’ has decided to close the portal.

“Subtitles are copyrighted, and they’ve been chasing us with that for years; nothing ever happened with the hostings in Canada, but now they’re tired of it. A while ago, I received an email from the current hosting, saying that they’re taking us down a year, and the truth is that I no longer have the energy to re-upload the site to a new one”, this has summed up the administrator of Argentine origin.

Subdivx isn’t the first subtitle page to shut down. In 2015 it closed . Even then, the lawyers seemed to agree that translating, without permission, a work, even if it is in a different format than the original work, does infringe copyright.