Interactive Smart Exchange Math Games


This is a software that includes all the math concept that is required by a math teacher and a student. Smart Notebook Math Tools allows you to teach, create and evaluate the concepts of math that aids a diversity of styles of learning.

With Smart Exchange Math you can generate lessons for math that are engaging, fun, and interactive. By the use of this software, you can boost your own tools for math from hands-on activities to visually motivating lessons presenting videos, sounds, and slides. The smart notebook math tools contain activities and lessons that cover topics that range from the easy addition to complex math in high school.

Smart Exchange Math

Math Concepts Lessons for School with Smart Exchange Math

The Smart Exchange Math has a comprehensive selection of interactive lessons for learners at middle school. There are numerous lessons for math that are meant for 6-8 grades, which include mixed numbers, graphing linear equations, improper fractions, and angle measurement.

Math lessons for middle school on the Smart Exchange coincide with math topics in high school. Therefore, these lessons are of importance to the students because they will keep them moving forward with their math education and prepare them for the next level. As we all know, math in high school can be very challenging to some students sometimes, but with Smart Exchange Math, everything will be much easier.

Fraction Activities for Elementary school

Smartboard is an online section where educators and learners upload and split the activities of Smartboard that they have generated, and mostly those activities are about fractions. For learners in elementary-level math classes, the fraction activities on the Smart Exchange Math comprise of brilliant illustrations and concepts that are easy to understand so that you and your fellow learners can see how fraction works.

Fun fractions, fractions for grades 2-3, intro to fraction vocabulary, and fractions for grades4-6 are examples of elementary-level fraction activities that are highly recommended on Smart Exchange Math.

Useful Fraction Tools on the Smart Exchange Math

When it comes to fractions, math can be a bit challenging in middle school whereby you find yourself dividing, multiplying and operating fractions for a diversity situation of hypothetical situations. In high school, the fractions are of higher levels, and by college math, learners will be using a fraction in ways that they thought it is impossible. Therefore, Smart Exchange Math presents many of fraction subject activities for the older learners who require help in the concepts.

When Smart Exchange fraction catalog is classified by grade to center on the math of secondary level, and afar, then you can discover lessons that contain a resource called simplifying fractions and equivalent fractions, dividing of fraction activities, and a percentage jeopardy game to assist you like learning about alter ego of the fractions, percentages. The many activities that are found in the Smart Exchange Math can help in the fractions that seem to be challenging.

Smart Response

Smart response is a tool in smart exchange math that is useful, especially when you and your classmates do understand a math concept. There are Smart Response XE and PE, which are interactive response systems that are intended to operate with Smart Notebook. Learners use Smart Response to take their tests and complete their tasks using a wireless device which is handheld to enter their answers. The XE device presents a full QWERTY keyboard, whereas the PE devices have a number pad.

When you are done with the assignment or even taking your test through Smart response, the software will calculate your score immediately. This assists the class to know the math aspects that are difficult and the ones with a problem, allowing the learners to put more focus on the concepts that are troubling them. Smart Response also saves you time by pointing on what you need to work on and not reviewing what you already know.

Smartboard Math Games

Math is one of the most straightforward topics to utilize well on an interactive whiteboard. The games in this software are based on internet, and others are files of Smart Notebook that have been uploaded for you to download, which are of huge fun and make you more committed to your math lessons. Majority of these games can be utilized in a K-6 environment, but there are some who can be used beyond that.

  •    Classroom Feud

This is a prominent mental math warm-up for learners, and it makes prominent use of interactive abilities of your Smartboard. The Classroom Feud is a game meant for group work, so you begin by dividing your class into two groups and then choose the first two players. Then, you will get mental math questions from the recent theme you are working on and ask the two learners. The students are supposed to touch their side of the board if they know the answer. Hence, the one who touches the board first and gives the correct answer will be the winner.

  •    Math Countdown

This is the best math game to get the brains of your learners ready for the coming lesson. You should begin by choosing six numbers either small or big and then select a target number. When the timer starts, the learners have 30 seconds to come up with the target number using any basic math operation and the chosen numbers. The learners can take away, add, multiply, or subtract any amalgamation of numbers to attempt and get near to the target number. Learners work on whiteboards or scratch papers, and the one who gets near to the target number goes on the board and share their solution with the class.  

  •    The Factor Game

This game is made up of a grid that is numbered 1-30. You begin by dividing the class into two groups or even play educator vs. learners. The first group starts by choosing one of the numbers on the grid, which will be the number that they will earn for their turn. The game becomes a twist because the second group will as well earn points on group one’s turn by getting the factors of the number that group one had picked.

Once a number is utilized for points, a box is dragged over it, and it cannot be used again. The play continues until the remaining numbers have no factors and then the scores are added up to know the winner.


The Smart Exchange Math is fun and good for any classroom that is from grade school to the college level. The Smartboard help the learners to have experience of various subjects with interactive activities and lessons and particularly math topics. Smart Exchange Math turns the boring classroom into encouraging math experience. Teachers will prefer this platform mostly when it comes to understanding math concepts that are challenging.