A position of a secretary or personal assistant means plenty of obligations. You are required to remember tons of data, complete various tasks, use a variety of tools, create specific documents, etc. This isn’t an easy job as we used to see in romantic comedies.

Useful iPhone Apps For Secretary

But it’s great to know that modern technologies help secretaries to perform their duties easier and faster. Here is a list of useful apps of different types for personal assistants.

PDF Scanner APP: Scan Docs, ID

Taking care of different files is one of the most frequent tasks for a personal assistant. Thanks to good software, you will be able to manage all documents using your iPhone. Just find a proper application with an intuitive interface and essential features.

Always take a look at the scanner app that has not only useful features but also high user appreciation. You need only the reputable, efficient, and just the best scan app to be able to manage your docs like a pro. The PDF Scanner APP: Scan Docs, ID will suit your requirements. For instance, it includes such options as scanning documents for your smartphone, saving files as PDF, JPEG, text, and so on.

Anyway, thanks to PDF Scanner APP: Scan Docs, ID you can work with paper and electronic documents much faster. Your smartphone is always by your hand so you don’t even need another gadget to manage the necessary file.

Google Assistant

This is a classic app that is used by many people, not only secretaries. Thanks to the variety of features, you may use it for various purposes. For instance, create a reminder, set an alarm using your voice, navigate places, send texts, make calls, play music, and so on.

Google Assistant is popular in the App Store among individuals who need to track their activity during the day and take advantage of having a personal assistant for any reason. But it’s obvious that the major audience of this software is professional secretaries.

Google LLC definitely knows how to create a worthy application with many useful features and no huge bugs. Its app is the most popular nowadays and even leaves behind Microsoft products.


Secretaries spend much time on correspondence. Basically, communication is one of your main obligations. Not every person understands how hard it is to communicate with different people all the time. Even the most sociable extroverts will be tired after texting and calling people day by day.

For this reason, you should try OnMail. This is a comprehensive platform whose main goal is to improve your communications. This service offers users a unique Permission-Based Inbox, an ability to send large attachments, make automated cleaning, etc. It allows secretaries to create new email accounts or modernize their current accounts.

This software is available for various operating systems, including iOS. That’s why you can download it from the App Store.


Favro is a very consistent and comprehensive project dashboard available in the web version and for your iPhone. Its goal is to help you build the way to perform the job starting with goal setting.

The application has many tools to control the status and progress of your tasks. This visual dashboard is very easy to use even if you haven’t experience with similar services.

With this software, you will work efficiently with short deadlines and strict requirements. The visual dashboard is built to help a personal assistant manage every task including its description, attachments, etc. It is the best dashboard for everyone who can’t stand missing a single detail. At the same time, it is suitable for teams.

Otter: Transcribe Voice Notes

Scanning documents seems very easy after you face a need to manage your voice notes. Don’t worry, you have Otter to do everything for you.

This software doesn’t have many features because its main task is to record and transcribe voice notes. But it’s totally enough for personal assistants who record audios and have no time to listen to these records later. Anyway, thanks to this software you’ll be able to take meeting notes automatically, start making recordings when you need, transcribe audios in real time, share records, etc.

How to increase your productivity?

The position of a personal assistant means that you influence your boss’s productivity. If your employer is always on time for meetings, has perfectly scheduled working hours, and doesn’t feel overwhelmed when you are doing a great job.

Of course, your personal features are your key to success as a secretary. You need to be focused, multitasking, stress-resistant, and very active. But don’t ignore useful apps to increase your productivity without overworking till midnight.

Select the best apps for secretary workers to increase your productivity. Use as many applications as you need on your smartphone and keep performing your duties like a pro. Be sure you can find all mentioned above software in the App Store for your convenience.